This is the home page for Fragile Water's website. The site's a Work In Progress, so expect bugs, bad visual design, and garbage formatting.



Added a gifypet that fucked up the home page's layout. I've tried everything to fix it, but nothing seems to work. Looks like I'll have to learn how to split everything into separate boxes to get the layout that I want. But hey, at least there's something to do on this site now.


Deleted a bunch of items from the nav menu, and renamed the "blog" page to "diary"


Added Background. Added buttons. Updated the nav menu, also made sure to mark pages that I havent started working on yet. Finally updated the blog to sort the posts out on seperate pages. Just click the month you want, and it'll show the posts from said month.

9/27/2024 Part 2:

Uploaded my website to Neocities. Had some trouble getting styles.css to import into the site properly. So I had to copy and paste the style code directly into the html files. It's hacky, but it seems to work.


Finally started working on my website. Don't really know what direction I wanna take it in as far as asthetics are concerned.